How do you do this?

However absurd it may seem, to focus on your customers you have to focus on your own company, the production processes, the working conditions of your employees, the managerial skills and the human resources organization.

In a word: quality.

An ISO or UNI certified company is a company that has chosen to submit its production processes to recurring inspections, thoroughly defining exact requirements that its products and/or services must meet.

However, strict standards and internal procedures become meaningless pieces of paper if a company does not follow a clear mission or vision.

That’s what we call leadership.

A leader is someone who’s able to see beyond, who’s open to the future and to innovation; He/she understands that certifying one’s own company is not a useless end in itself task.

By improving internal security procedures or corporate communication, for example, you can achieve amazing results such as increasing productivity by up to 60%.

Because the final product meets the requirements sought after by your customers.


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